We’ve made sure that the One Warranty range includes all key elements of a roof – so you’re always covered.

Unlike manufacturers’ warranties that limit you to using specific products, One Warranty gives you the freedom to specify your way. Choose from over 3,000 eligible pitched, flat and solar roofing products – all from the manufacturers you know and trust.

Over 3,000 products


12 brands of breather
12 pitched covering brands
6 natural slate brands
1 batten brand


4 Solar panels
1 brand of in roof solar GSE tray
1 GSE Tray
1 GSE Flashing Kit


2 EPDM systems
2 torch on felt systems
1 GRP system

For a complete, up-to-date list of included
products, visit our website or pop into
your local SIG Roofing branch where our
team will be happy to help.

Registered Office: SIG Trading Limited, Adsetts House, 16 Europa View, Sheffield Business Park, Sheffield, S9 1XH. Registered in England No. 01451007 VAT No. GB 487 01733