Remix Roof Tile Bedding Mortar

Remix Roof Tile Bedding Mortar

According to the NHBC, over 70% of all roofing claims are caused by dodgy mortar. That makes it one of the most pressing issues in the industry today with millions of pounds going down the drain.

And it could affect you.

Roofing contractors can remain liable for some repairs, even on NHBC work. That could be a sticky problem, particularly if you’re the contractor involved. Using site premix or mixed on site mortar can be a big mistake. You might make a small initial saving, but you could also end up shelling out to redo work you’ve already done. It’s not worth it. Dry fix systems can help, but you can’t use them on all jobs.

Put your mortar problems to bed

Developed specifically for roofers, Remix Roof Tile Bedding Mortar solves the problem of using the wrong mortar mixes for bedding ridges, hips and valleys. It’s specifically designed for bedding clay and concrete roof tiles.

Tested extensively by the NHBC it performs as well as the best custom-mix mortars. It was also highly recommended for its workability, slump, adhesion, and strength.

Here’s what it can do for you and your customers:

  • Reduces wastage on site with water resistant bags
  • Gives greater consistency in use with a computer controlled mix
  • Provides excellent workability, slump, adhesion & strength
  • Saves times and money giving excellent value and peace of mind

Remix Roof Tile Bedding Mortar is a natural material available in a wide range of colours.


The mix is a kiln dried, pre-blended, factory produced 1:3 cement:sand mortar complying with the requirements of BS EN 998-2.


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