Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQs

Please find below a list of FAQs and answers. We will update this document and re-issue as and when necessary.

Self-isolation and time off work:

What happens if I need to take time off work?
The business will pay you as usual if you have to take time off work:

  • because you have contracted Coronavirus, or if you are self-isolating because you are displaying symptoms
  • to care for a dependent with the virus
  • because you are required to self-isolate as per any government guidelines.

If you have not contracted the virus, are not presenting symptoms, have not come into contact with anyone with the virus, decide to take time off work or have not visited an affected area, the business will deem this annual leave. If you decide to take time off work and do not meet any of the above scenarios, you will be asked to take annual leave and should follow the absence process.

What should I do if I start developing symptoms whilst at work?
Please contact your line manager immediately. You will be asked to self-isolate in a designated room and asked to call the helpline or Emergency Services and follow their advice.

Who do I contact if I feel unwell and I think it’s COVID-19?
You must contact your line manager immediately and self-isolate. Do not arrive at work.
Your line manager will make a formal record of your absence and you will be paid for the time off during the period of self-isolation.

How do I report an absence?
Where there are specific cases of absence, every employee must call in directly to the line manager.

For branches, instances of absence due to New Coronavirus (COVID-19) are to be recorded on Info Exchange with immediate effect, including incidents of self-isolation. These reports should be made through the ‘Incident Reporting’ platform as below and any existing instances should be added retrospectively.

Instances of absenceInfo Exchange entry requirements
A person having COVID-19When completing the entry, answer ‘yes’ to ‘was anyone injured’. This will enable absence to be recorded. ‘Injuries sustained’ should be recorded as ‘Lungs – disease or vibration’.
Instances of self-isolation agreed with SIG or mandated by the authorities 

Record these instances as a ‘Hazard’.

Include the phrase COVID-19 or Coronavirus in the ‘Brief summary of incident [27] section. E.g. “Burbage town has been placed into government lock-down due to COVID-19. Paul is unable to come to work.”


Verified inability to come to work due to government or police restrictions on travel

How long should I self-isolate for?
Current government advice is to self-isolate for 14 days.
For the most up to date information on how long to self-isolate for, please click here

I have a customer / fellow employee who has returned from holiday from a risk destination, what do I do?
If they have recently returned from a region of high or moderate risk you should follow the current advice with regard to social distancing. For an employee, you should ask them to report it to their line manager and self-isolate.

Dependents/other family members

What should I do if a family member is showing symptoms?
You should self-isolate and inform your line manager. Do not arrive at work.

If they are a vulnerable person, and in the high risk category please contact your line manager and we’ll review the plans we put in place to support.

If you are in contact with someone who is pregnant, or are pregnant yourself, you should self-isolate.


Will I get paid if I call in sick with symptoms of COVID-19?
The business will pay you as usual if you have to take time off work:

  • because you have contracted Coronavirus, or if you are self-isolating because you are displaying symptoms
  • to care for a dependent with the virus
  • because you are required to self-isolate as per any government guidelines.

Will you continue to pay employees indefinitely?
As the situation stands currently, we will continue to follow our commitment to pay employees as appropriate, however we have to reserve the right to review this as circumstances change.

Travel and meetings

Are we agreeing to home working?
Due to the government guidelines on social distancing, we have already put in place home working arrangements where we have the ability to do so. Most employees based in Sheffield or St Ives are now working from home. If we need to deploy further working from home measures we will update accordingly.

I am able to get to work. What should I do about travel and meetings?
As we’re operating as business as usual, we expect all individuals where able to attend work and to continue trading, however any external meetings should be postponed or held via Skype/telephone call depending on the urgency and necessity of the meeting.

If you need to travel, avoid congested areas and public transport where possible and follow the latest guidance on utilising public transport.


Will my branch close?
Currently it’s business as usual and branches are open. We’re continuing to monitor the situation and will update you if anything changes.

Should I lock my branch toilets to stop customers accessing them?
Where customers are utilising any of our facilities please ensure that health and hygiene regimes are maximised in accordance with health and safety legislation and current government guidelines.

Should I change the way customers collect their goods to minimise close contact? / What can I do when interacting with customers?
You should continue to trade as long as both parties accept this and follow the latest advice for working safely, healthily and in accordance with government guidelines.

What should I say to customers in the branch?
Currently it is business as usual and we are open as normal. We have plenty of stock of key items and if the situation changes we will let you know.

Should I suggest to customers it might be sensible to order extra?
Currently it is business as usual but the situation is changing rapidly. If you would like to recommend ordering of additional supplies, you are welcome to do so and we will endeavour to fulfil the order.

What should I say to a supplier if they ask what’s happening?
Currently it is business as usual and we are continuing to serve customers as normal. If the situation changes we will let you know. We recently sent all the suppliers we have contact details for a letter explaining it is business as usual. If this changes we will contact them again.

Stocks of hygiene products are running low. What is the process for ordering more?
We recognise stocks of hygiene products and hubs may be running low and branches may need to replenish quickly. Branch managers are allowed to order locally, we do recognise that with the current high demand the usual focus on cost efficiency may have to be suspended.

Our two key suppliers are MITIE and Initial Washrooms.. Branch Managers have been sent details about how to order and what products are currently available.

What hygiene advice should drivers follow?

The basic protective measures against Coronavirus are as previously stated:

  • Wash your hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand wash or soap & water
  • Maintain social distancing – maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) between yourself & others
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose & mouth
  • Practice respiratory hygiene – cover your mouth & nose when coughing & sneezing, dispose of used tissues immediately

Other practical suggestions:

  • Ensure vehicle cabs, MHE & drivers have a cleaning kit consisting of either antibacterial wipes &/or disinfectant spray & a cloth/Blue Roll
  • Wipe down door handles, controls, steering wheel at the start & end of shift or after anyone else has been in contact with the vehicle cab & MHE
  • Wipe down keys at the start & end of shift & remove any unnecessary keyrings etc
  • Where possible try to limit vehicle & MHE to 1 user, use own keys & if necessary to lend keys then wipe down before & after use

Handheld Devices & Deliveries:

  • Wipe down HHTs before & after use by customers
  • If customers don’t want to use the HHT then complete an ‘Unattended Delivery’, enter the customer’s name & enter CV-19 in the signature field (driver use of HHT only)
  • Wear/use disposable gloves if & as required

PPE/hygiene products:

  • Some of the above PPE/hygiene products are in short supply, but it is possible to obtain stock.
  • Our two key suppliers are MITIE and Initial Washrooms. Branch Managers have been sent details about how to order and what products are currently available
Registered Office: SIG Trading Limited, Adsetts House, 16 Europa View, Sheffield Business Park, Sheffield, S9 1XH. Registered in England No. 01451007 VAT No. GB 487 01733